A bit of a pun. I enjoy some of the conceits of some certain ways of explaining things about the world that are clearly wrong but also have just a sensible enough reasoning to them that it becomes compelling. In this case I landed on the Four Humours.

The imagery here is relatively simple in that it is a codified expression of my personality self-audit. I set myself in a dune-scape and surrounded myself with some birds that would be coloured to reflect the typical four humours. The proportions of the birds will reflect the degree to which I see that property in my self. It also serves as a means for how I may trick myself into using colours for once. Although not too much.

[gallery ids="672,671,670" type="rectangular"]

The humours relate as such:

Black is Melancoly, it reflects our introspective attitudes and typically manifests as certain emotions such as sadness caution and suspicion, it also is associated with artistic and cynical types, loners and some who are particularly serious or focused.

Red is Sanguine, it is associated with cheerfulness and lively humor. People identified as such tend to be considered in high spirits and somewhat carefree. a sign of being so energized with sanguine humour is for instance blushing, or rosy-cheeks. Often a sign of someone particularly excited and happy, literally being flush with redness.

White is Phlegm, thought of as apathy-inducing, making a person less inclined to partake in sociability and go off on their own to see whatever devices they would be about, acting with a certain steadfast consistency through an abundance of thoughtfulness and serenity

Yellow is Choleric, the source of our aggression. It lends us strong willpower, and ambition and passion, making us more quick to act and fiery in disposition. Though often acting with some unpredictability and wildness.


  • Windsor & Newton India Ink

  • Windsor & Newton Canary Yellow/Polar White

  • Speedball Pigmented Acrylic Scarlet

  • Watercolour Brushes (6Round)

  • Dip Pens (Imperial, Hunt Ex-Fine, Drawing)

  • 2mm Pencil (2H, 4H)


Eclipsing the Hydra


Mare Tranquillatatis