• ass

  • disappointment

  • embarrassment

  • foolishness

  • some fuckin' pens and brushes

  • I still cringe whenever I look at this thing

  • I hate it too! I'm sorry Gogol!


I really needed to correct the previous one. I don't recall if I did it the same night, or the following night, but I certainly felt the need to roll back into it with some class and deliberation and hopefully make a thing with enough taste to undo the foolishness of the previous entry, the Necromancer with no pants.

Now we have before us a fully pantalooned Necromancer who is the product of dignity and poise, engaging in an actual composition that contains designed elements. I the composition we see a doomed person who may be prepared for battle in some spectrum. The Hunter-Exorcist carries an arsenal of arcane and mundane tools, a big ol' cross of some glowing material, a crossbow, even! Things are good in that circle of purifying sacred salts that is clearly working. Our friend even has a lantern so they know you are watching, distracting from the otherworldly abomination that is already on top of them.

The tone and thought behind this is identical to the previous Necromancer, so we're still operating with "Christianity gets you killed by demons in dark rooms," but now the room is actually dark and is acknowledged by the functional equipment of our Hunter-Exorcist.

The monster has features and a few design elements about it. I kept the teeth, as the only thing of value from the original 'Necromancer,' it still has three eyes - yes, that was supposed to be a thing, originally. It still is an amorphous horror, but now feels more like an impossible thing rather than a lame idea clearly pulled from a place of foolhardy eagerness to disappoint.

I feel good about this one, it is in fact, one of my favorites of Bad Poetry. I think I learned the lesson, that if I inject care and make a deliberate effort at getting a thing right, I can readily reap a bountiful harvest of not sucking as an artist and continue enjoying what I've made and done.

  • Windsor & Newton India Ink / 974 White

  • Dip Pen (Hunt EX-Fine 12)

  • Watercolor brush (Escoda Synth. Round Point 6)

  • care

  • time

  • planning


Lovers of Battle

