Warll and the Wyrm

Another character from the world of Knights of the Dark Age here is Warll, Captain of the Eclipses. Just like Geseus, Warll was trained to become the most powerful Hero of his time. The most powerful Eclipse, Warll led three other Heroes of his Order, Geseus, Stral and Osse, in order of rank.

As the master militant of the heretical order, Warll was tasked by his House to wage war on all higher beings who existed beyond Humanity. this meant that he had to learn to fight other Heroes from the race of Man with similar powers who would oppose him and his people; the Giants, who in the Shining Age gave their culture and wisdom and skill of development and learning to Mankind; the Dragons, the ultimate weapons of the Gods, immortal bastions of Magical and Elemental power; and finally the Gods themselves so that House Scala, the originators of the Nightbringer Cult could purge the world of the self-involved influence of the Great Ones over Men.

all Heroes, Giants, Dragons and Gods are immortals by the fact that the quintessence of their souls has been augmented and condensed into a supernatural energetic form called an Icon. Icons develop when souls are coalesced from many living entities into a single being, causing the increased mass of the soul to project it's energy as a two-dimensional regular shape. As more souls are added to the host (typically by killing, or otherwise by extreme focus and meditation, etc.) the shape will eventually break free of the 2D bonds that kept it stable, and adopt a new dimension, no longer represented by a shape, but by a three-dimensional platonic form of increasing complexity (Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, etc., etc) as the host increases in power, not unlike the Immortals of Highlander.

Warll eagerly sought out all Greater Beings and relished the grand battles that he would reap from those encounters. Dragons and their kin, forever bound to the awful Gods of the land, were his preferred quarry and his greatsword never was bested in such matches.


Knight Alan


Shadow Wrong